- Prep Time: 15 minutes
- Cook Time: 20 minutes
Sweet Lemon Pickle Recipe (Upasache Lonche)
Sweet lemon pickle is a finger licking pickle that is typically served with all the foods ideal for vrat or fast. This pickle goes very well with sabudana khichadi, vrat ke chawal, or vrat ka dosa.
- Lemons - 12 small or 6 big
- Salt - 1/5 of the lemon pieces.
- Sugar - 3 cups
- Red chli powder - To taste
- Get 12 (if small in size) or 6 (if big in size) lemons. Wash them and dry them completely.
- Cut them into 1" big cubes.
- Divide the cut pieces into 5 equal parts. Get salt equal in quantity to one of the 5 parts and add to the lemon pieces.
- Mix well and store in a container for 5 days for marination.
- After 5 days, prepare the sugar solution as follows.
- In a pot, take 3 cups sugar and add water (about 1 & 1/2 cups) till the sugar is completely soaked. Bring it to boil, stirring continuously.
- Reduce the heat to medium and let it boil for about 5-6 minutes. Test the sugar solution occasionally by taking one or two drops in a plate and if the drop doesn't spread and stays in its place, then the solution is ready.
- Reduce the gas to low and add the marinated lemon pieces to it.
- Add red chili powder to taste and bring it to boil once again.
- Let it cool. Store in a plastic or glass jar.
- This pickle stays good for more than a year.