Quick peanut chutney Recipe (Danyachi Chutney)
This peanut chutney is very quick to make especially if you have the coarsely roasted peanut powder handy. This peanut powder known as "danyache koot" in Marathi is used in many Maharashtrian recipes. It is usually prepared and stored in large quantities and is kept ready for use.
- Plain yogurt - 1 tbsp
- Roasted peanut powder* - 1/2 cup
- Red chli powder - To Taste
- Salt - To Taste
- Cumin powder - 1/2 tsp
- Add 1 tbsp plain yogurt to 1/2 cup coarsely roasted peanut powder* and mix.
- Add red chili powder and salt to taste, and 1/2 tsp cumin powder.
- Serve with shabudana wada, or shabudana thalipith.
*Roast peanuts in a pan on a medium flame, till some black spots start appearing on the outside. Let cool and then crush a little with hands to separate peels. Blow away the peels and grind the peanuts coarsely.